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"First Church of Christ, Scientist in Columbia MO"
Christian Science Lectures Online & In-Person Calendar:
Lectures online - Christian Science
Christian Science Lectures
Prayer that Heals
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Christian Science Lectures and Videos on Healing
Available in the Daniel Boone Regional Library, Columbia, MO:
Christian Science Textbook: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, published by The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Mrs. Eddy taught thousands how to heal through classes and this textbook.
God's Eye View of You
Talk by Fujiko Signs
Was held on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020
in First Church of Christ, Scientist, 800 W. Broadway, Columbia, MO.
Fujiko was healed of various limiting symptoms by studying healing in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. She witnessed many healings and began receiving requests to help others with prayer. She explains the relationship between prayer and healing, consciousness and reality, spirituality and well-being - freeing ourselves from various limitations.

Search "Fujiko Signs" on You Tube and see lecturers/
Talks by Maryl Walters

Curing the Incurable through the Healing Power of Divine Love
Given on February 16th, 2019, at the Christian Science Church, 800 W. Broadway. Co-sponsored by Christian Science Society, Sedalia, MO.
Public panel discussion on Christianity
Given on February 14th, 2019, at the Friends Room, Columbia MO Public Library. Maryl, spoke on Christian Science as part of a series led by George Frissell, teacher of comparative world religions. Co-sponsored by Christian Science Society, Sedalia, MO.
Our Government Under the Healing and Unifying Power of Divine Love
Given on April 12, 2018, at the ARC, Columbia. Co-sponsored by Christian Science Society, Sedalia, MO. To view this talk (given elsewhere), click here.
The Christian Science Way of Life
Maryl gave this talk at Mizzou in October 2016 for 167 students in Dr. Bob Flanagan's class, Intro to Religion, Department of Religious Studies, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
Contact Mizzou's Christian Science College Organization at
Christian Science, What it is and how it heals
Talk by International Speaker, Michelle Nanouche
Given April, 2016, at the Activities & Recreation Center (ARC), Columbia MO, sponsored by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbia, MO, and Christian Science Society of Sedalia, MO.

To visit Michelle Nanouche's website press here:
Prayer that Heals; Getting to know God
A webinar and Discussion with Evan Mehlenbacher
Given April, 2015, at the Columbia public library, 100 W. Broadway, Columbia, MO.

To visit Evan Mehlenbacher's website, press here:
Eternal Life: Could It be that God Didn't Intend You to Age?
A Discussion With Mark Swinney
Given March, 2014, at Columbia Senior Activity Center, 1121 Business Loop 70 East, Columbia, MO, hosted by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbia, MO.

To visit Mark Swinney's website, press here:
Piano Recital
A Performance by Anthony Hernandez
A piano recital given by award-winning University of Missouri graduate, Anthony Hernandez, pianist and organist for First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbia, was held in the church in January, 2014.

Works performed were by Chopin, Bach, Shostakovich, Mozart and Beethoven. Hernandez has worked as music director, accompanist and/or assistant music director for community theatre shows, vocal ensembles, and Columbia Independent School choirs. He has performed throughout Missouri and in Brazil and is currently accompanist at Arrow Rock Lyceum Theatre.
To view a performance by Anthony Hernandez press here:
Roadmap For Life
A Discussion With Chet Manchester
Given May, 2013, in the Activities & Recreation Center (ARC), 1701 W. Ash St., Columbia, MO, hosted by First Church of Christ, Scientist, Columbia, MO.

To visit Chet Manchester on Facebook, press here:
Webcam Talks
Online Discussions with Shirley Paulson
Four interactive webcam talks from 2009 through 2012 were given by Shirley Paulson, formerly on the Christian Science board of Lectureship, for Dr. Bob Flanagan's class, Introduction to Religion, Department of Religious Studies, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

To view Shirley Paulson's website, press here:
Community Events

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